Google Address Validation API is a new product that is currently available to use through the Google Maps Platform. It is designed to reduce the risk of invalid addresses being used in transactions.
The API allows you to validate addresses, find addresses that are deliverable, and determine the location of a postal or mailing address. In addition, the API is available in multiple languages.
For a company, an incorrect address could mean a lost order or a customer experience gone awry. If the address isn't deliverable, the business may have to follow up or send out supplies. This can have a negative impact on sales and conversions.
There are several different address validation tools, but the most common and most powerful is the one from Google. As a search engine, the company has a lot of engineering minds to draw from.
While Google's address validation API is a good start, it isn't the end-all-be-all. Businesses need a more robust solution.
The API offers the ability to store an address for future use. But it doesn't offer many of the features that are required by most businesses. You can only store addresses for thirty days, and storing an address beyond that time frame is strictly prohibited.
One of the biggest problems with the Google API is that it does not accurately parse addresses. That is, it doesn't provide the correct unit numbers for secondary address units.
However, it isn't just the address that is missing from the API. There are many other gimmicks and features that the company doesn't offer.